Car Seat Panel Replacement
This car seat received a panel replacement. Our leather repairs technician was able to collect a car seat from a customer and bring it back to the workshop.
The car seat was damaged hence the technician collected it. Sometimes a seat is so badly damaged that in order to repair it the panel must be replaced. This is because if the damage was cosmetically repaired it would not hold. In this particular example the tear is not too badly damaged. However the customer wanted a new panel in order to get the best results from a repair. This is because the customer doesn’t have to maintain the repair but just continue to use the seat.
Panel Replacement
Firstly the technician takes apart the seat and removes the damaged leather panel. Next the technician cuts a piece of leather the same size as the piece that has been removed.
Once the leather has been cut the technician dyes the leather to match the colour of the car seat. After colouring the leather the technician cuts the leather to the same shape as the previous piece. The technician then marks up the new piece of leather in order to match it up with the seat.
Next the technician uses pins to place the leather where it needs to be on the car seat. Then they use a sewing machine to sew the new panel onto the car seat. Once the panel is sewn on the technician ensures that the whole cover is intact. Here are the final results.
Finally after completion the technician arranged a date with the customer in order to return the car seat to them with their new panel having being fitted.
For your free quote on a car seat panel replacement please contact us today. Check out our gallery page and Facebook page for more of our repairs!